Jerry Clark became a Network Marketing millionaire in his mid 20′s and eventually went on to establish himself as one of the industry’s most respected coaches and trainers, producing over 100 Home Business training programs, writing for some of the most prestigious business publications; including “Success Magazine” and “Working At Home Magazine”, and speaking at the top industry events and seminars around the globe. Recently during a trip to Malaysia, Jerry Clark was conducting a live television/Internet training broadcast, sharing advice on personal development and Home Business success principles, and during the last section of the program, people were asked to call in with questions. One caller asked Jerry…

“How do I get people to treat our network marketing opportunity like a business?” Jerry gave the “standard” answer he’s given a thousand times to that type of question, and the caller was happy with the answer, but once Jerry got back to his hotel room and reflected on that question he realized that the answer he’s been giving for so long actually needs to change! In a BIG WAY!

He realized the way you REALLY get people to treat their network marketing opportunity like a business is to actually tell them NOT to treat it like a business at all! Sounds crazy, but here’s Jerry, in his own words, explaining this “crazy” idea… Why Jerry Clark Says “Stop telling people to treat Network Marketing opportunities like businesses”…

Why? Because most people in our society have never had a business, so they don’t even know what that means. Most network marketers come from an average and ordinary background. They were programmed to do what 97% of us were programmed to do: Get a good education; get a good job; work hard; be loyal and industrious; and then move up the corporate ladder so you can eventually retire with a big stack of money that’s big enough to choke a horse.

Thus, the masses are programmed to work a job, not build a business. The masses don’t have something they can relate to with personal experience when you tell them to treat it like a business. So, stop telling them that. Instead, tell them to treat it like a job.

They can understand that. Think about it. When people have a job, they get up every morning when they really don’t want to, and they go to a job they would prefer not to go to in an effort to make barely enough money to pay their bills and make a living.

It would therefore be more effective to tell them that this business requires the same type of commitment and energy that they devote towards their job; however, in network marketing, they will be working towards designing a life instead of merely making a living. More people will understand this because they have personal experience with having a job.

They can personally relate to what it takes to make a job work. And guess what? That’s exactly what it takes to make network marketing work. Success is the result of consistent execution of a daily method of operation even when you don’t want to execute.

Original article So don’t treat it like a business. Instead, treat it like a job. When you do, you will eventually become richer than you ever imagined!  This of course makes a lot of sense. It can take time for someone who has been an employee for their entire working life to make the transition to successful entrepreneur. So having people treat their Home Business like a job in the early stages will produce much better results and stop them from becoming overwhelmed and entertaining doubts like; “I’m not cut out for this business thing”.

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