I remember when i was 21years old sitting at a Leadership summit with my first MLM company - I was their with a team of over 400 people at this convention - things were looking promising for us all. I said finally, I'm going to be able to afford things, and one day buy my mom that home she always wanted. But then murphy's law came to sit right beside me, we got news that one of our friends who we all grew up with who was suppose to be at that event with us, was gunned down for being in the wrong place at the wrong time back home. I remember my up-line who was on stage accepting her award, she got the text that her brother was murdered and I watching her break down  - It was devastating for all of us - long story short 400 associates went down to zero - and so did our incomes -

3 months later , I decided to go to my company's weekly meeting - I still remember the date - it was Nov 2007 - The company flew in a guest speaker and as i was sitting in the back with my arms folded , i began to think to myself "Andrew why are you even here" I felt that it was impossible to rebuild an organization that size again , their is no more momentum , I talked to everyone i knew - everyone quit- no one's taking my calls-I started to think, that maybe network marketing was not for me -  The speaker arrived, and the first thing he said was - " 6 months from now, more than half of you wont be here- more than half of you will quit - and when you're thinking of quitting, remember this - Every great work, every big accomplishment, has been brought into manifestation through holding to the vision, and often just before the big achievement, comes apparent failure and discouragement."

What came to mind was that story 3 feet from gold in the book think and grow rich where the two men gave up because it was too hard to find their treasure , but all they needed to do was move 3 feet to the left and they would have found what they were looking for - Sometimes, all we need to do is move and adjust so we can keep on keeping on.

I brushed myself off- went home and rebuilt my team and that month was my BEST month, I ranked advanced and got to speak at the next company group convention received my first medal for leadership and from then on - I was sold on this industry! 

I don't know what your going through or what your facing - but I know this- you have greatness within you -  and you will never raise to your potential until the pain of staying the same becomes greater than the pain of changing - It was hard for me to get back into the game - but the alternative was worse.

God is not a respecter of persons, if he can do it for me, he will do it for you! 

Andrew Jones

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