I just had to post Eric's video - I see this way to often in this industry and it kills me. Here is why -
Everyone has a path to success, my path and my company may not be your path. How many top leaders including Eric, were with dozens of other companies that they all failed at? Many! that 1st company they were with, I’m sure it was a good company, so why didn’t they become a success with those companies... well I strongly believe in destiny - and that things happen for a reason and at the right time -"Gods Delays are Not Gods Denial" God may have wanted them in another company that fit who they were as a person and was in line with their values  and vision- I'm sure when they left those companies that were not working for them, the top earners in that company may have looked at them as quitters or failures - which is so not fair.

Many leaders try to make you feel like you owe it to the company to stay loyal and stick it out - we owe our companies NOTHING , the only agreement we have with them is that if I produce you pay me and if my team produces, you pay them. That’s it...  In the company presentation they said if I do XYZ they will pay me x amount, not a penny more – The company only exist for that reason - Some "leaders" make it seem as if we again owe the company for providing us the opportunity to change our lives --that's BS -- If you go out there and make 7 figures with your company, it's not the company that did it for you, it's you and your team that made that possible - 

So I'm loyal to my team not my company cause companies come and go , I'm loyal to the people on my team that help me produce the results.  So before you start wearing your company T-shit and drinking the Tuesday night meeting cool-aid, - laying your life down for the CEO of your company or the Master distributor - think about that - I never once at a convention was waving my company flag, I waved my own flag, my teams flag - I came into Network marketing with a vision as to what I can use it for – and if your company or up line is trying to sell you on being loyal RUN!

They should be selling you on being loyal to your vision – I tell prospects, this may or may not be for you. Go to the website and check out our mission statement, and if it’s in line with your own personal vision then it may be for you, and if it is let’s go! Now if you don’t have a vision for your life yet, it’s ok, you can always borrow someone else’s until yours kicks in, but when it does, remain loyal to it

Cedric Harris top MLM guru – made over a million with Body Vi – he recently left the company cause he had a vision bigger then his company bigger then network marketing– people called him a quitter – I call him a winner!

Andrew Jones

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